id:428 regb: regb-uri: status:HEAD date:2025-02-24 ustc: mei: lic:CC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike; see also http://lagarto.top/about ipr-head:M.T. Carrasco Benitez ipr-body: sum-t1: curator: title:Praecepta artis rhetoricae (attributed to Pius II in the edition and in the epitome) title-uri: inc: lang:la materia: author:Albertus de Eyb author-uri: tran: tran-uri: print: print-uri: per: per-uri: note-head: c-pfrom:166 c-pto:166 c-rfrom:81v c-rto:81v c-size:0 s-pfrom: %%